Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Internally Displaced persons(kenyan refugees)

It has been a long way since Volunteer International Community Development Africa(vicda) joined hand in hand with other charity organisations in Kenya to attend to the emergency needs of the families who were displaced due to post election violence which occurred December,2007. 350,000 Kenyans were left homeless and thousands of them are still homeless until to-date living in the tents.

They have been hardly hit with alot of challenges such as lack of shelter,food,bad hygiene,medical problems,kids dropping out of school due to lack of school fees,uniforms,stationeries. The tents they have been living in are worn out.
. Please visit our website on http://www.vicda.org


  1. Hi Irene, I made an offer to help by giving some non invasive Distance Healing to 50 needy children, I sent the message through Twitter.

    This is a genuine offer it is a donation and if you observe the children in question soon you will notice the difference in both Health and general well being.

    I only require a First Name to do this from Australia. Feel free to contact me by phone or email for more details.

    With Love for I Love You
    Ian Stone – Metaphysician & Creator of DIY Automatic HEART Energy Healing System,
    Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
